Tom Mehlhorn

Tom Mehlhorn



[email protected]      (505) 363-6106

Dr. Tom Mehlhorn is an advisor to several private companies including HB11 Energy Pty LTD, Xcimer Energy, and Fuse Federal US. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Michigan, a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at the University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics, and an Affiliated Professor at the University of Washington. He also serves on several external advisory and review boards, including the Intelligence Science & Technology Expert Group (ISTEG) of the National Academies, He has served on the International Advisory Board for Plasma Physics at FAIR, GSI Darmstadt, Germany and on a National Research Council (NRC) Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences (DEPS) panel on the Assessment of Inertial Confinement Fusion Targets (ICF) (2011-2012).

Dr. Mehlhorn has over 40 years of technical expertise in the numerical simulation of plasmas, ion stopping power, pulsed power, inertial confinement fusion (ICF), nuclear energy, lasers & directed energy, laser wakefield acceleration and USPLs, railguns, nuclear measurements, radiation transport, shock wave physics, low temperature plasmas and plasma processing, high performance computing, and material science. He is the author/coauthor of over 160 papers (H-index=40).

Dr. Mehlhorn was recognized in 2004 with a University of Michigan Engineering Alumni Society Merit Award (NERS) and is a Fellow of the AAAS in Physics (2006), the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2011), the IEEE (2014), and the ANS (2020). In 2019 he received the IEEE Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society Peter Haas Award for contributions to pulsed power science and a Lockheed Martin NOVA Award for Thermonuclear Neutrons on Z in 2003.

From 2009 to 2019 he was head of the NRL Plasma Physics Division and a member of the Department of the Navy Senior Executive Service. He started his career at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico where he was a member of technical staff (1978-1988), department manager (1989-2005), and senior manager (2006-2009) in the Pulsed Power Sciences Center.