Peng Zhang

Peng Zhang



[email protected]      (734) 764-4260

Prof Zhang’s research has spanned a wide range of topics, including electrical contacts, thin films, quantum diodes, space-charge-limited current flows, beam-circuit interactions, multipactor and breakdown phenomena, z-pinches, and laser-plasma interactions. More recently, his work has focused on plasma-surface interaction, ultrafast electron emission, quantum transport, and novel high power high frequency radiation sources. Zhang comes to NERS from Michigan State University, where he served as an associate professor (2021-2024) and an assistant professor (2016–2021) in the College of Engineering. He received his Ph.D. degree in NERS in 2012 under the supervision of Prof. Y. Y. Lau.

Prof Zhang research interests include: theory and modeling of plasmas, beams, and surface and interface science, with applications in high power electromagnetics, nanoelectronics, quantum devices, ultrafast phenomena, and novel light sources and particle accelerators.

  • Electron emission physics
  • Electrical contacts & nanoscale charge transport
  • Electron beam interaction with novel structures
  • Laser plasma interaction with QED effects


  • University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
    • Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences (2012)
  • Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
    • M. Eng. in Microelectronics (2008)
    • B. Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2006)


  • IEEE Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) Early Achievement Award (2020)
  • Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award, Office of Naval Research (2020)
  • Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (2018)
  • IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Graduate Scholarship Award (2012)
  • University of Michigan College of Engineering Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research (2011)
  • University of Michigan Rackham Presidential Fellowship Award (2011)